
Signing U.S. Bicycle Routes is highly recommended brand the route, provide wayfinding for cyclists, and increase safety by informing drivers that cyclists are on the road.

The U.S. Bicycle Route sign can be found in the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD).

Green vs Black USBRS Signs 

Black & White USBRS Sign: This black version of the M1-9 USBR sign is the one currently in the 2009 edition of the MUTCD. 

Green USBRS Sign: The green version was designed and endorsed by the National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices to replace the older black version. In 2012, the FHWA gave interim approval for the optional use of the green M1-9 sign. States may still use the black version, but the green version is recommended and will be the new standard sign.

For more sign resources and examples, check out Promotion Resources

Photo by Kansas Department of Transportation