Companions Wanted

Adventure Cycling companions wanted

Photo by Kerry O'Connell

Each year, hundreds of cyclists grab their maps, plan their tours, pack their panniers or trailers, and head for the open roads and trails of America. Many of these intrepid two-wheeled travelers would like to have company for the journey. If you're looking for a touring companion for your adventure, here's the place to start. The cyclists below are all members of the Adventure Cycling Association, and they're getting ready to pack up and take off.

Please note: Adventure Cycling assumes, but cannot verify, that the persons advertising here are truthfully representing themselves. You should always take some time to meet your prospective traveling companions and discuss your tour plans before you begin your travels together.

This is not a service or space for cycling personal ads nor is it a cycling dating service. Nor is it a space to advertise commercial bike tours. We will only post ads that are not commercial in nature.

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(This service is only available to Adventure Cycling members. All listings are reviewed by staff before posting.)

If you need to edit an existing Companions Wanted listing please sign in to your My Adventure Cycling account here to see your existing listings.


Indian Himalayas

Created: Jul 17, 2023

Fit male in his 40s just back from a 9 months ride in South America looking for a companion rider to ride parts of the Indian Himalayas. I grew up in India and speak Hindi. I am thinking of Manali to Leh but am open to other rides. I have extensive backpacking and biking and hopefully soon will have my EMT certification. The tentative time is between October 2023 - January 2024. Please reach out with any questions, suggestions, or other ideas for riding in Asia. Thanks and safe riding.


Cross Country

XCR - East to West - May-July 2024

Created: Jan 2, 2024

Soon-to-be 60-year-old married male planning to leave the Carolina coast in early May and arrive in San Diego area in late July. Route will include NC, TN, KY, and then the Katy Trail in MO followed by mostly Adventure Cycling routes through KS, CO, UT, AZ, and on into CA. Planning mostly camping with hotel/motel rest day breaks every 7-10 days or if/when weather gets ugly. Planning to average 60-80 miles per day. Would love to cross paths or share the road with others!


Southern Tier West to East September 2024

Created: Dec 11, 2023

Looking for additional companions to join me on a self-supported Southern Tier 3,000-mile adventure in fall 2024. Experience a plus; will be camping, moteling and averaging 60 miles per day with an occasional recharge day. I am a 63-year-old married Christian male partnering with the Biking for Babies organization to raise awareness and fundraise for women's pregnancy resource centers nationwide. Let's have fun, enjoy the sites and create memories!


Northern Tier Summer '24

Created: Dec 5, 2023

70-year-old married male, retired teacher, looking for a partner to cycle the Northern Tier route, west to east, beginning last week of June. Cycle toured a lot in late ’70s and early ’80s before family life. Prepared to do this solo but it would ease my wife's misgivings if I at least start with a partner. Plan on 50-60 miles a day, mostly camping, taking no more days off than necessary yet not pushing it too hard. Contact if interested. Maybe we could share an adventure I have been wanting for years!


TransAmerica E to W

Created: Nov 13, 2023

Interested in departing early May 2024 (or end of April if possible) looking for riding companions who are interested in a mix of camping and Warmshowers with some hotel stays mixed in. 60-year-old female planning on averaging 50-60 miles per day with days off when needed (most likely at least every 8 days). More elevation days will be shorter miles while the flats will be mileage days greater than 60. Have done touring and bikepacking before.


Route 66 LA to Chicago

Created: Nov 6, 2023

64-year-old male from Ireland starting out 8 April 2024 from Santa Monica. Average 55/60 miles per day with a few rest days, one of them at the Grand Canyon. Aiming each week for staying 3 nights at a budget hotel, 2 nights Warmshowers, and 2 camping. Experienced at cycle touring in Ireland and Europe. Company welcome.


TransAmerica Westbound June 2024

Created: Oct 30, 2023

Looking for one riding companion for an east to west adventure on the TransAmerica Trail, departing mid-June 2024. I have completed Northern and Southern Tiers, and Pacific and Atlantic Coast trips, so I have a little experience. Hoping for someone who has completed at least one long tour. Mix of camping, motels, and Warmshowers. 64 years young, male. Plan is to average about 60 miles per day, and stop to sightsee along the way.


Cross the U.S. East to West

Created: Oct 17, 2023

I'm a 64-year-old male and will ride the TransAm east to west starting in late May 2024. My plan is to average around 80 miles a day. If interested in riding some or all together, let me know. I'm an experienced bikepacker having done the TransAm, GDMBR, LEJOG, and others. I completed the TransAm in 2018 starting with two other riders I met here. You can view my daily blog documenting that trip at Steve


Cross Country West to East - May 2024

Created: Oct 9, 2023

Hi. I am a retired male, 63 years old, and I am planning a trip for next year. I have a tentative route planned (in Ride with GPS) through Oregon, Idaho, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, New York, ending in Connecticut, or somewhere near there. I am a semi-retired randonneur so I am good with long-distance riding. I am looking for a casual trip of about 90 days. I am flexible with the route but would prefer to stay north. Plan on camping along the way with an occasional motel break and rest days are flexible. I plan on doing this as a bikepacker with limited luggage. 60 miles per day or less is my goal with longer days possible depending on climbing and heat. Contact me if you would like to discuss this in more detail. Dave


Companions for TransAmerica Adventure Summer '24

Created: Sep 13, 2023

Hey there fellow adventure seekers! I'm a 22-year-old college student from St. Louis, set to graduate in May. I'm looking for some awesome companions to join me on an epic trip. My goal is to conquer the TransAmerica Trail, but I'm also open to detours to explore the incredible sights along the way. I'm planning to kick off this adventure around June 1 and I'm aiming to cover an average of 65mi a day. I'm all about the camping and self-support experience, but the occasional motel room for some R&R wouldn't hurt either. This will be my first serious bike tour, and while I'm hitting the books and doing some shakedown rides in the spring to prepare, I'm excited to learn and grow with fellow riders. Let me know if you're interested.


Southern Tier in April/May 2024

Created: Jul 19, 2023

I am looking for 1 or more companions for a Southern Tier trip starting in April 2024. I would like to ride 60-80 miles a day. I imagine to ride 3-4 hours in the morning, stop for lunch for 1-2 hours, then ride 3-4 more hours to camp. I plan to camp most of the trip, but stay in a hotel to clean up every few days or when the weather is bad. I also expect to take a rest day every 5 days or so. I plan to eat from a restaurant or food truck at least once a day to limit the amount of food I have to carry. I will not be riding for a political cause. Please send me an email if you are interested in joining and we can have a chat for more details. Cheers!



Romania and Slovakia Summer of 2024 or 2025

Created: Jan 2, 2024

Well-traveled cycle tourist planning a three-week trip in Romania and Slovakia, transiting Hungary by train or bike. Looking for one sociable, intrepid companion (40+) to join me. 40-50 miles per day and 500-600 total miles. B&Bs and small family-run hotels. Flying into and out of Bucharest or Bratislava from the East Coast.


EuroVelo 6: Basel to Budapest 1st Week June 2024

Created: Nov 6, 2023

Intrepid traveler has business in Basel last week of May and seeks to extend EU visit by cycling one way from Basel to Budapest. Experienced cyclist, but not an adventure cyclist. Mostly looking for comfort with hotels, B&B, etc. The route is 1,128 kilometers and 60 hours in the saddle according to Google. I'd guess to plan on 10 days start to finish or about 6 hours/day in the saddle. Looks mostly flat and well marked. Open to options.


Cycle the Camino Across Spain in 2024

Created: Oct 18, 2023

I cycled the Ruta Via de la Plata from the south to the north of Spain this year. Amazing! Now I am returning to cycle the Camino from St. Jean Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostela starting on September 8, 2024. The plan is to cycle hotel-to-hotel on the road route with stops in cities such as Pamplona, Logroño, Burgos, and a rest day in León. The cycling, the food, the wine, and the culture will leave you with memories for a lifetime. Join me in Spain! Email me for the route and details.


Think Scotland

Created: Oct 11, 2023

Have you ever dreamed of cycling the Hebridean Way off the western coast of Scotland? I have maps and information but no flights booked yet. Check it out and if wild camping with an occasional hostel sounds like your cup of tea, send me an email. Looking for a two-week trip summer of 2024 (except end of July).


Athens to Oslo

Created: Sep 18, 2023

Looking for 1 or 2 travel partners to cycle EuroVelo routes 8 to 7 to 12, Athens to Oslo starting in April 2024. I am a 61-year-old male retired physician. Plan is to travel approx 40 to 60 miles per day with layover days when inspired. Should take 3 to 3.5 months. Self-supported: (camp sites) when rural, hotels/hostels in the cities. Should be easygoing person with good attitude and enthusiasm, love of outdoors, culture, and a good cyclist. You can do all or part of this ride.


Great Divide Mountain Bike Route

Complete Great Divide Mountain Bike Route

Created: Aug 18, 2023

I am a 66-year-old male looking for two to three companions to do the Great Divide Tour. Can start from Banff or the Canadian border and ride to Antelope Wells. Plan to go self-contained and open to a recharge day every 8 or so, possibly staying in a better appointed accommodation than a tent. I have lots of cycling experience accumulated over 40-plus years and recently completed a segment (Whitefish to Helena) of the GDMBR. Desire to ride at an enjoyable pace and not as a race (average ~ 40 miles/day). Would like to start in early July 2024. Gender, race, etc. are not important. Only requirements: A desire to have fun coupled with a sense of humor.



Cuba Cycle Tour

Created: Jan 2, 2024

Experienced cycle tourist and re-invented 68-year-old looking for 1-3 companions (M/F) to cycle two routes in Cuba. 1. A loop out of Holguin, Cuba around southeast Cuba back to Holguin. 994 km (618 miles). Duration: 3 weeks 2. A loop from Holguin west to Playa Larga and then back along the same route to Holguin. 1,332 km (827 miles). Duration: 4 weeks Camping when available or stay in what are called Casas Particulares (private homestays) includes breakfasts $20-30/night. Begin riding from Holguin on 2.3.24 Return Date: For me, 60 days after arrival There is a Cuban visa requirement for U.S. citizens that can be obtained in 7 days ($110) I look forward to hearing from you.



Companion wanted

Created: Sep 8, 2023

Looking for someone to join me on short overnighters or 3-5 day bikepacking trips around DC area. Looking to do part or all of the GAP\C&O trails, bike to Ocean City, Shenandoah, etc. Email if interested. Married 58-year-old male. I've done a few solo overnighters. Looking for companion(s) for safety and to enjoy bikepacking.


North America

Early Summer 2024

Created: Dec 18, 2023

I am planning a one-week, 7 to 9 days, preferably Inn to Inn in late May or early June 2024. I am considering the Katy Trail, South Dakota, or the Hill Country in Texas, but am open. I am a 73-year-old rider experienced in road or gravel riding and would enjoy 50 to 60 miles per day at a moderate pace. Reach out and share your ideas.


Baja - Jan/Feb 2024

Created: Nov 6, 2023

I'm a 65-year-old male interested in riding the Baja peninsula by road from Tijuana to Cabo San Lucas (and maybe back) sometime in January and/or February. Average 50-60 miles/day with a day off (mostly for weather) every 10 days or so, meaning a total of about 3 weeks to complete the ride southbound. I've cycled across the U.S. 5 times since retiring 6 years ago. Mostly camping with occasional motel or Warmshowers host where available.



Block Island RI Exploration by Bike

Created: Mar 15, 2022

Bike tour of Block Island and other Rhode Island locales. Timing flexible (I'm 62, retired economist, male). Or bike tour of Manhattan or 100-mile bike trail on Florida Keys? Or, maybe Pacific Coast? Prefer female biker but has to be platonic/friend only cause I'm wife still teaches full time so she doesn't want to go. Also, will do coast-to-coast fundraiser for Ukrainian if you want to commit three months to that. Other biking ideas?



Bike Completely Different

Created: Jan 2, 2024

I want tours in my velomobile. You are curious. I provide the velomobile, you join me for loop tours around south Oregon, north California summer of 2024. A couple of days learning then hit the road for a week or more of hotels/camping. One or two people at a time, average in height will fit best. Three wheels are stable and fast. Yes, I am a car-free fanatic.


Milwaukee to Seattle connecting with Northern Tier

Created: Dec 4, 2023

I am a retired senior seeking a companion to ride from Milwaukee to Seattle, departing mid-May 2024, connecting with the Northern Tier route. I estimate an average of 50 miles per day including days off. A mix of Warmshowers, camping, motels, and Airbnb. I have long tour experience: Atlantic Coast (Florida to Maine to Michigan) and Southern Tier.


Rolling in the Pacific Northwest

Created: Aug 29, 2022

Fit, 60-year-old woman, in Puget Sound region, looking for biking buddies to explore Western and Eastern Washington, with a bias for as few motorized vehicles as possible. Day rides and weekend getaways. ~40 miles per day, sightseeing pace (i.e. relatively slow). Respond with cycling experience and goals/wishes. Preference for cycling in rural areas, and on recreational trails, the less cars the better.


Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast - May 2024

Created: Nov 27, 2023

Retired male seeking partner to cycle West Coast from Portland, Oregon, to Los Angeles about May 8 to June 7 on a 750-watt electric bike. Plan to average 50 miles per day with plenty of time for sightseeing. A mixture of camping and hotels.



Southeast U.S. National Parks

Created: Nov 13, 2023

April 20 to May 2, 2024. Starting in either Nashville or Charleston, West Virginia. Ending in Savannah. Hitting 3 national parks either way. Average 60-70 miles per day. Carry your gear, some camping, maybe some Warmshowers or hotels. I'm flexible on how much of each. 45-year-old married male with extensive bike touring experience. I've done tours solo, with my wife, a friend, or a group. Looking for a riding partner to share some amazing sights (and some hills).


Florida Keys Tour...January 27th...February 1, 2024

Created: Jul 31, 2023

No e-bikes on this tour. This is not a commercial tour...I do not charge for leading. A limited number of bikers will be invited to join me on my 49th tour of the Florida Keys. All riders must be self-supported, self-reliant and capable of riding 52-55 miles per day. No SAG. You must be able to carry all that you require for the 6-day, 250-mile tour. The tour will begin and end in Key Largo. All riders must accept my rider expectations. If interested, send me an email for rider expectations.



Santa Monica, CA to Oatman, AZ

Created: Oct 23, 2023

Looking for companions for Route 66 eastbound from Santa Monica, California, to Oatman, Arizona, at the end of April and first week of May. This is my first long bikepacking trip.


Western Canada

Canadian Rockies to Glacier National Park

Created: Sep 26, 2023

Experienced retired male looking for companions (M/F) to cycle from Jasper, Alberta, to West Glacier, Montana, following the Adventure Cycling "Great Parks North" Sections 1 & 2. Route includes Jasper and Banff National Parks and "Going to Sun Road" in Glacier Natl. Park in mid/late August 2024. Route is rated as one of the most beautiful journeys on the planet. 11 days, averaging 50-60 miles per day at a relaxed pace. Self-supported means we will be camping along with a few motels where available.


Canadian Rockies to Glacier National Park

Created: Sep 18, 2023

Experienced retired male looking for companions (M/F) to cycle from Jasper, Alberta, to West Glacier, Montana, following the Adventure Cycling "Great Parks North" Sections 1 & 2. Route includes Jasper and Banff National Parks and "Going to Sun Road" in Glacier Natl. Park in mid August 2024. Route is rated as one of the most beautiful journeys on the planet. 11 days, averaging 52 miles per day at a relaxed pace. Self-supported means we will be camping along with a few motels where available.


Please note: Adventure Cycling assumes, but cannot verify, that the persons advertising here are truthfully representing themselves. You should always take some time to meet your prospective traveling companions and discuss your tour plans before you begin your travels together.

To list your own Companions Wanted Listing: You must be a member of the Adventure Cycling Association before you can list a companions wanted listing in this area. Once the listing is approved it will be included in the listing above.

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