Sign Up

Tour participants must be current Adventure Cycling Association members, and each participant must fill out a Tour Application. Those who are not members will need to complete the membership form prior to registering for a tour. You must log in to your My Adventure Cycling account to verify your current membership status.

Not a current member:


Already a member, log in here:

Forgot Password?

Enter your email address and we'll send you an email that will allow you to reset it. If you no longer have access to the email address call our memberships department at (800) 755-2453 or email us at

Not Registered? Create Account Now.

About User Accounts on

If your email address is not found in our system, you can create a new account using the Create Account Now link. (You may wish to try another email first, perhaps you used a different one to create your account?)

Forum accounts: The Forums accounts are still separate accounts from the main site, i.e. not the same as your new My Adventure Cycling account.