This article first appeared in the May 2022 issue of Adventure Cyclist magazine.
For more information and to submit to next year’s photo contest, click here.
As if anyone who reads Adventure Cyclist needs inspiration, myself included, the annual Photo Contest issue each May strikes in me an almost uncontrollable, wild fervor to get outside as quickly as possible and turn my legs in rhythmic circles up whatever path will have me. Between the longer days, warmer temperatures, and these images, it’s good inspiration to finish my work and get out of the office. This year’s collection certainly keeps that spirit alive. From cloud forests to bucket showers to road snacks, I crave it all. As restrictions begin to loosen on travel bans this summer, I hope these images also strike some wild spark in you as well, whether that fire burns close to home or in the wildest, most remote stretches of our beautiful earth. –Carolyne Whelan
Adventure Cycling Route Network
Winner: Early Start to Push through the Great Basin
Honorable Mention: Lunch in the Middle of Kansas!
Winner: Descending on the Strada dell’Assietta
Honorable Mention: Early Morning Light in Molesworth Station, Central South Island, New Zealand
Winner: La Ruta Loca — Vines, Mud, Mist, and a Puma
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