Posts Written By
Tara Weir

Tara's love affair with adventure cycling began in 2011 on a supported tour in Tibet and Nepal, following the Friendship Highway from Lhasa to Kathmandu.  Since then, Tara has cycled about 23,000 miles in 21 countries, mostly solo.  Bikepacking is her biggest passion. To support her adventures, she occasionally works as a forestry technician in Northern British Columbia, Canada. Follow her adventures on her website Follow Margo Polo or on Instagram at @followmargopolo.

An unforgettable ride with unforgettable hospitality in Mongolia
Aug 9, 2021
Discovering home on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route.
May 10, 2021
When the cold isolation of COVID winter sets in, a cyclist finds warmth in her memories of the Western Wildlands Route.
Mar 8, 2021