Posts Written By
Olivia Round

Olivia Round is a writer and cyclist who is currently writing a memoir about her cross-country bike tour. For more information, and to read her interviews with other female bicyclists, visit her website at

Taking lesson learned in bicycle travel and applying them to life during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mar 20, 2020
Ten ways this little piece of cloth can come to the rescue on a bicycle tour.
Mar 10, 2020
To train or not to train? Depends on how long you have to do your cross-country tour.
Feb 10, 2020
For many (including me), the worst part of a bike tour happens before you ever leave the house. It’s that dreadful, anxiety-ridden task of researching and preparing for the upcoming adventure.
Jan 7, 2020
Tips to make bike touring time a fun and healthy sexy time.
Nov 12, 2019
If you’re in the mountains, in the saddle, and in a bad way, you could be struggling with altitude sickness. Learn how to climb out of it.
Nov 6, 2019
Bad weather? Think safety first! Learn more about handling rough weather on your ride.
Sep 13, 2019
Being on the road and doubled over with cramps (or worse!) is not our favorite scenario, but Olivia's tips will ensure you feel your best throughout it all.
Sep 10, 2019
Don't let differences in speed and needs come between you and your adventure buddy. Olivia has five tips that keep the peace.
Aug 20, 2019
Shopping for a bike can be overwhelming. It’s like finding the perfect pair of jeans — you just keep trying ’em on until one feels right. 
Jul 24, 2019