USBRS Adds New Route on Eastern Seaboard and 150 miles!

Dec 6, 2021

We are happy to announce the designation of USBR 1 in Maryland and realignments to existing routes in three states –– Florida, Michigan and Ohio –- adding nearly 150 miles! 

While this cycle of USBRS designations is more humble than the last one, it is no less significant. We are one state closer to completing USBR 1 on the east coast and realignments add to the strength of the system as a whole.


The addition of USBR 1 in Maryland extends the route by connecting it to the existing segment spanning across Washington, DC, Virginia, and North Carolina. Segments of USBR 1 also exist in Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts to the north, and Georgia and Florida to the south. The route takes advantage of the rich Washington, DC trail network utilizing the Capital Crescent and Rock Creek trails and ending on the Torrey C. Brown Trail.

The state DOTs of Florida, Michigan, and Ohio realigned existing routes based on feedback from cyclists and local communities, as well as the completion of infrastructure improvements and other projects. For all the details, read on!


The realignment of USBR 90 moves a portion of the route off U.S. Highway 90 between Palatka and Tallahassee, instead using the Palatka-Lake Butler State Trail, Gainesville-Hawthorne State Park Trail, O’Leno to Ichetucknee Trail, Capital Cascades Trail and Tallahassee-Saint Marks Historic Railroad State Trail.


This minor realignment of USBR 20 takes advantage of the separated paths and wider paved shoulders between Bay City and Midland.


This realignment on USBR 21, which was designated in the summer of 2021, uses new segments of the Ohio & Erie Canal Towpath Trail in the Ohio City and Tremont neighborhoods of Cleveland. 

For more details on each of these routes, see the press release.

Remember: Digital maps for all designated U.S. Bicycle Routes are available on our website.

The USBRS is a developing national network of officially recognized, numbered, and signed bicycle routes, with the goal of 50,000 miles of routes linking every state in the country. All U.S. Bicycle Routes are designated by state departments of transportation and approved by AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials). 

Adventure Cycling Association provides national coordination for the USBRS, partners with AASHTO to ensure states have the resources and expertise needed for successful route designation.