Family Adventure Details

Upon signing up for an organized tour, you will receive confirmation and preparatory materials, including a Before You Go booklet that contains a packing list and training tips. About 60 days prior to your trip, you will receive a Tour Information Packet with specific details about your starting location, a participant roster, official bike shop, travel tips, and much more.

Please note: In order to participate in our Family Adventure tours, adults must be accompanied by a child and children must be accompanied by an adult. 

Fully Supported Family Adventure tours include the following:

  • Catered meals and rest stops beginning with dinner on the first day and ending with lunch on the final day of the tour.
  • Overnight camping fees starting on the first day of the tour through the evening before the last day’s ride (overnight lodging on the last evening of the ride is not included in the tour cost).
  • Luggage, mechanical, and SAG support vehicles.
  • Maps, route markings, swag, and a safety triangle.
  • Preparatory materials, including a copy of Before You Go: A Handbook for Adventure Cycling's Supported Tours, which includes a packing list and training tips


Our catering staff will provide all meals, and rest stops will be located approximately every 25 miles. You’ll start each day with a hot breakfast, followed by a mid-morning rest stop to fuel you on to lunch. Another rest stop awaits you mid-afternoon, and you’ll be rewarded each evening with a sumptuous dinner. Vegetarian and special dietary needs will be accommodated, though food selection may be limited in some locations.


On a Family Adventure tour, all personal and group gear is transported by a vehicle each day; there is no need to carry very much at all except what you need for the day.


Family Adventure tours are camping-based trips with occasional indoor overnights. You will need a good freestanding tent with a ground cloth, a sleeping bag rated appropriately for the season and elevation of your tour, and a sleeping pad. Campsites range from private campgrounds to state parks to school athletic fields. Bathrooms are available at each evening’s campsite. If access to indoor facilities is unavailable or insufficient, we may supplement the facilities with portable toilets and a shower truck. Family Adventure tours are designed to be primarily camping trips, and you should plan to bring your own camping equipment.

SAG Support

You should come to the tour physically prepared to ride the entire route. Vehicle support will be prioritized for use in medical and/or mechanical emergencies.

Mechanical Support

Family Adventure tours provide an experienced mechanic who follows the route every day in a support vehicle or by bike to take care of mechanical emergencies. The mechanic will also be available each evening at the camping location. We carry a supply of tires, tubes, and spare parts, but you should come prepared with the equipment and tools to change a flat.


The number of participants on a tour may be adjusted in response to demand and facility availability. Adventure Cycling reserves the right to make route and accommodation modifications without notification and to make alterations and substitutions to the itinerary as needed to improve the quality of the tour or to accommodate the comfort and well-being of our guests.

Adventure Cycling Association is an equal opportunity recreation provider that is an authorized permittee with the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management, and departments of transportation. Adventure Cycling Association is working cooperatively with these agencies to secure the appropriate permits.

In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) To file a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call 202.720.5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Photo by Tom Robertson

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Big Bend

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Natchez Trace

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Florida Keys

Van Supported. Get a second dose of summer with this Sunshine State ride. You can smile wide as you ride knowing you're enjoying 300 miles of sunny, warm weather!